White Shoulder Moth
The larvae spin a silken case around themselves, often incorporating part of the food material. Sometimes in a severe infestation, larvae may crawl up on a wall dragging their cases behind them.
The larvae case is up to 10mm long at maturity.
Where do they live?
The larvae feed on particles of woollen clothing, furniture fittings, furs and carpets, primarily of animal origin. Damage may occur to objects incorporating hair, wool, fur, feathers, horn and silk.
How can I get rid of moths?
The treatment for infested premises is the application of a residual liquid spray insecticide, the insecticide is applied to all floor surfaces. These areas are not to be vacuumed or washed for at least 14 days after the treatment.
Although new adult Moths may still be emerging up to two weeks after treatment, there should still be sufficient insecticide present to kill them off.
Stored Product Moth

Indian Meal Moth
The most common stored Product moth in the UK is the Indian Meal Moth has a wingspan of about 19mm.
The larvae feed on particles of stored products like dry cereal goods such as flour, grain, biscuits, dog meal, breakfast cereals etc. They can also be commonly found in nuts, chocolate and spices.
It spins a silken web amongst the foodstuff.
The adults emerge throughout June to early September but can be seen all year round in hot conditions.
How can I get rid of moths?
The treatment for infested premises is similar to the textile moth the application of a residual liquid spray insecticide, the insecticide is applied to cupboard surfaces or where food is stored after it has been removed.
These areas are not to be washed for at least 14 days after the treatment.
Although new adult Moths may still be emerging up to two weeks after treatment, there should still be sufficient insecticide present to kill them off
It is recommended all open packets of stored products be placed in plastic (clip lid type containers to stop further infestation)
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There is different types of moth’s textile and stored product moths.